shadeofmelon: Step 1: Materials
shadeofmelon: Step 2: Stencil Crayola
shadeofmelon: Step 2 Done
shadeofmelon: Step 4: Stencil Colors
shadeofmelon: Step 5: The Fabric
shadeofmelon: Step 6: Fail
shadeofmelon: Step 7: Filling Crayola
shadeofmelon: Step 7a: Completing "Crayola"
shadeofmelon: Step 8: The Final Product
shadeofmelon: Popcorn Hand
shadeofmelon: Candy Corn
shadeofmelon: Cupcakes!
shadeofmelon: Meat "Eye" Balls
shadeofmelon: More Cupcakes!
shadeofmelon: Yet More Cupcakes!
shadeofmelon: Hanging Skeleton
shadeofmelon: RIP Shot
shadeofmelon: Scary Partygoer!