SELCO: Mollie & Kim with Rochester representatives
SELCO: SELCO Staff & Craig from Senator Lynch's office
SELCO: SELCO Staff & Craig from Senator Lynch's office, Take 2!
SELCO: Michael & Mollie with Rochester representatives
SELCO: SELCO Staff, Kim, & Senator Dave Senjem
SELCO: SELCO & SMILE/TDS staff and MaryKay with Senator Dick Day
SELCO: SELCO Staff, Kim, & Craig from Sen. Ann Lynch's office
SELCO: SELCO Staff, Kim, & Senator Dave Senjum, Take 2!
SELCO: SELCO Staff, Kim, & Craig from Sen. Ann Lynch's office, Take 2!
SELCO: Mollie, Aurora, and James with Senator Erickson Ropes
SELCO: SELCO Library Advocates
SELCO: Visiting Representative Kath
SELCO: Visiting Representative Poppe
SELCO: Elaine and Mark
SELCO: Maureen and Bill
SELCO: Dick and Ken
SELCO: Ann, Kim, Mary Kay and Lynne
SELCO: Visiting Senator Sparks
SELCO: Visiting Representative Fritz
SELCO: Visiting Representative Brown
SELCO: Visiting Senator Pariseau
SELCO: Travelers from the north
SELCO: Marlene and Jane