Rick Kaplan: Duke Estate Fall 2012(8)
Rick Kaplan: Duke Estate Fall 2012(19)
Rick Kaplan: Winters Bone
Rick Kaplan: Montgomery Park 057
Rick Kaplan: Before Winter...there was Fall.
Rick Kaplan: The Fog
Rick Kaplan: Trying to poke a hole in the clouds
Rick Kaplan: The Start of Spring
Rick Kaplan: Savages of Winter
Rick Kaplan: Starting to see the light
Rick Kaplan: Strong Winds
Rick Kaplan: “Spring drew on . . . and a greenness grew over those brown [garden] beds, which, freshening daily, suggested the thought that Hope traversed them at night, and left each morning brighter traces of her steps.” ― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre
Rick Kaplan: Each morning sees some task begun, each evening sees it close; Something attempted, something done, has earned a night's repose. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Rick Kaplan: Long Days Journey into Night
Rick Kaplan: Don't sit under the tree