Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): waterfalls from wiley ridge
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): challenger from whatcom pass
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): whatcom pass benchmark
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): little beaver valley
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): little beaver valley, hozo, wiley ridge
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): morning marblemount
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): roadside diner - breakfast
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): welcoming committee
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): changing the route
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): leaving ross dam for little beaver
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): navigating the still waters of ross to hozomeen
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): nohokameen symmetry
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): floating as if suspended inside the Void
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): peering into little beaver valley
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): little beaver beach memories
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): little beaver - beach memories
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): last view of ross lake and nohokameen
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): little beaver trail to perry creek
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): camp cwall at perry creek
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): stephen will not go hungry
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): perry creek shelter
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): a brief stop on the way to twin rocks
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): Whatcom Pass hike -2008 024
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): miller crossing perry creek
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): crossing perry creek into the land of the giants
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): Whatcom Pass hike -2008 018
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): natural history moment