Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): ross lake morning
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): looking to the trees
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): looking back to canada
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): there always is a chain
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): yell like it's yellow
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): lakeside reflections
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): right antler and left antler
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): Little Jackass Mountain and Ross Lake
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): not allowed much ... but hey, have fun
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): friends on the trail
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): hozomeen and yellow trees
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): hozomeen - north peak
Vida Morkunas (seawallrunner): hozomeen south peak