schneidan: Gas pipes
schneidan: Smoking in the alley
schneidan: Stars tattoos, 16th Street Mall, Denver
schneidan: Beechcraft C-45 Expeditor - J W Duff Aircraft Co.
schneidan: Wright-Cyclone - J W Duff Aircraft Co.
schneidan: Bamboo Bomber - J W Duff Aircraft Co.
schneidan: Adorbs! Kitten is watching for signs of ceiling cat from her counter perch.
schneidan: Civic Center through rain-streaked glass as a downpour soaks Denver on Thursday, May 22, 2014. #storm #thunder #rain #cowx #denver
schneidan: Rain streaks low on buildings in downtown Denver as a thunderstorm rolls over the city, May 23, 2014. #storm #architecture #blackandwhite
schneidan: Delicious dinner of not-retried bean corn tortilla soft tacos with my magic pico and fancy cheese! #yum
schneidan: Stroganoff and Stegner on a snowy Colorado day.
schneidan: Ms. White on the desk
schneidan: A belated Christmas celebration with @katchabird's family led to a bow-bedecked Batta...
schneidan: Sun setting in downtown Denver, behind the City and County Building.
schneidan: Dressed to kill and killing it: Trumpeter on 16th Street Mall early on New Year's Eve in Denver
schneidan: Seen on #Xmas morning walk with dog in Weld County, Colorado. Bird hunters' shots crack in the distance. The early sun warms my back, a light breeze nips at my hands and mourning doves awk nervously from fences.
schneidan: This year our #Xmas tree features a tiny stuffed llama (also crocheted kodama and "garlands" of film).
schneidan: An actual cat in a hat (and bow tie!)
schneidan: Really nice contrast with new Lowy lens and my favorite Rock B&W film on @Hipstamatic. #sunset
schneidan: Playing with new @Hipstamatic lens and film developed with @benlowy. Contrasty and sharp!
schneidan: Lightning Strike in Denver
schneidan: Mark Rhoads
schneidan: Camera Wall, v2.0
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