*97: A zig-zag road- you zig to the left and zag to the right...
*97: View of the Whitewater-Baldy Fire from Bear Mountain near Silver City, NM
*97: Heavenly Sunlight-
*97: Have a pleasant Thanksgiving folks-
*97: On the road to Mogollon-
*97: Green at last, green at last- thank God Almighty it's green at last !
*97: Simply known as the "concrete ditch"
*97: The morning after our heaviest snowfall of the year- Hwy 90 south of Silver City, NM
*97: The canyon road-
*97: Pre-sunrise on Raton Pass
*97: First light-
*97: "Comin' round the mountain"
*97: The Black Range (1 of 6)
*97: Creek side in Gallinas Canyon-
*97: Highway 152- through the Black Range east part of Grant County,NM
*97: Looking for placer gold- (prospecting in style!)
*97: Knight's Peak -