*97: A Hike in the lower Burro Mountains south of Silver City, NM- If you are interested there are 16 photos posted.
*97: Knights Peak-
*97: This was my big surprise- the first one roared by catching me off guard. I had the camera ready for this second one.
*97: Oh the sound of freedom ! All of a sudden it was February 1968- Tet Offensive in Hue. As it went by I yelled just as I did back then... Get 'em- Get 'em!
*97: It sure looked snakey to me.
*97: I was also keeping an eye out for Pictographs but no luck with them either.
*97: Like a big tooth...
*97: The main portion of the Burro Mountains visible on the skyline.
*97: It's a harsh life for trees exposed to the wind and storms on the ridge lines.
*97: Up where I shouldn't have been and too close to the edge- it's a long way to the bottom.
*97: Not a lot of soil up here-
*97: The busy skies of Southern NM.
*97: Ever see the movie "Tremors" ?
*97: That is one weird tree... truly a tortured soul.
*97: Must have been a lot going on when these rocks were suddenly stood on end.
*97: This was on the other side of the wash- next weeks hike.
*97: The Burro Mountains at sundown-