*97: Banded Rock Rattlesnake
*97: from sprawl to haul in 3 seconds...
*97: This little cave is occupied... #2 & 3 of the year.
*97: Eye of the Pit Viper-
*97: Snakey Place-
*97: The center of each others attention !
*97: I understand the meaning of "Don't tread on me."
*97: Western Diamondback- (locally a 'Coon-tail')
*97: Western Diamondback with rattles-
*97: The proverbial "snake in the grass" A Western Diamondback
*97: Western Diamondback in no mood for pictures-
*97: Soaking up the last rays of the day-
*97: It was a Diamondback kind of day- Western Diamondback Rattlesnake : Crotalus atrox (1 of 4)
*97: The nursery-
*97: Protecting the den- Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
*97: The business end of the WDB-
*97: Western Diamondback - (1of 4)
*97: Den Mother?
*97: Sun bathing in front of the den-
*97: Striped Whipsnake - trying to hide...