*97: Classic High Desert- (Florida Mtns.)
*97: 'Ten gallon' barrel cactus- (Florida Mtns.)
*97: Desert flora- (Florida Mtns. New Mexico)
*97: Mexican Poppy- (Florida Mtns.)
*97: View of Deming, NM. from the Florida Mtns.
*97: Visitors Center- RockHound State Park- (Florida Mtns.)
*97: End of the line?... (Florida Mtns.)
*97: what passes as a 'cabin' in New Mexico-
*97: The Florida Mountains-
*97: Morning in the Floridas-
*97: from the desert to you...
*97: ...and then came the Sun-
*97: Mexican Poppies waking up-
*97: Home is where you park it...
*97: Not too much- Not too little...
*97: Grinding Hole for seeds- used by early Native Americans
*97: 'Dirty Bob'... go ahead birdy- make my day !
*97: If you wait.... they will come-
*97: Do you feel lucky bird... well do 'ya !?
*97: 'Dirty Bob' on a mission looking for a 'dirty rat'
*97: Sometimes a cat has to know his limitations-
*97: Things I saw in the desert- - - a series of five photos
*97: Petroglyphs... art, story, information or all the above?
*97: The humble Tumble Bug-
*97: The Bat cave- high on the mountain
*97: The evening show-
*97: Must have been one tough Juniper-
*97: Magic moment in the desert-
*97: Wild in the desert-
*97: Octillo flower-