*97: The edge of the swamp-
*97: Out at the Park-
*97: The Lane in the woods
*97: The Corner- hanging out with the big guy...
*97: Late evening creek side-
*97: Red on Red
*97: Eagle Roost-
*97: An area untrod by park visitors-
*97: The big gators live here-
*97: All dressed up and no place to go-
*97: Red-shoulders at Weedon Island-
*97: Tunnel vision
*97: Hey Ibis- what have you there ?......
*97: This ought to be interesting-
*97: DSC_00160002
*97: DSC_00920004
*97: Sawgrass Park
*97: DSC_00390002
*97: Sawgrass Park-
*97: taken at sunrise this morning-
*97: It's all about the light-
*97: color for the sake of color-
*97: Reflect on fall
*97: Too late, Kermit realizes he's in over his head...
*97: Nature - the master painter...
*97: Oh...sweet light
*97: the end
*97: Just about supper time-
*97: Moe, Curley and Larry
*97: A happening kind of place-