*97: Great Blue Heron (GBH)
*97: GBH- posing for me
*97: Glamour Shot-
*97: Different strokes-
*97: The Corner- hanging out with the big guy...
*97: Yep- another banded water snake in big trouble
*97: Fast food GBH style-
*97: Down at the corner-
*97: GBH getting comfortable-
*97: Great Blue Heron-
*97: DSC_00450002
*97: GBH and his sidekick Snowy
*97: Good things come to those who wait...?
*97: -ever watchful
*97: Flashing Cars on Mullet Key
*97: DSC_01670021
*97: DSC_01600020
*97: DSC_01540018
*97: DSC_01240016
*97: Great Blue Heron
*97: You go that way, I'll go this way
*97: DSC_01010012
*97: The Casual Heron
*97: To each his own-
*97: Great Blue Heron looking rather stylish
*97: Great Blue Herons at the nest-
*97: "Not fat- Just Fluffy" ?