Santee: Table of Torture
Santee: The Set
Santee: Lighting
Santee: Clementine
Santee: Santee, Clementine, and Mig
Santee: IMG_6230
Santee: Nigel one of two in the Short
Santee: Kyle
Santee: Jake the Snake
Santee: Yup He's Goofy
Santee: Jake
Santee: Jake
Santee: Shades of Jake
Santee: Jake Wanting to Die
Santee: The Set From Behind the Plastic
Santee: Sydney Two of Two in the Short
Santee: Clementine Drinking Monstar
Santee: Mig and Jake Looking at Optix
Santee: Weapon of Choice DVX100
Santee: Nigel Rehearsing
Santee: Blocking
Santee: Low Angle of Blocking
Santee: Taping up Nigels Hershey Kisses
Santee: Preping to Shoot Toture Scene
Santee: View Finder on the DVX100
Santee: Director at Work
Santee: Getting the Boom Right
Santee: Script Supervisor's Scribe
Santee: Script Supervisor
Santee: Syrup and Food Coloring