r.whitlock: Nightingale
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus, "Footbird" and Eulpides
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus, Hoopoe and Eulpides
r.whitlock: Chorus
r.whitlock: Pis and Eul with Chorus of Birds
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus Making Speech
r.whitlock: Making a Speech
r.whitlock: Blue Bird
r.whitlock: Eulpides and Pisthetaerus
r.whitlock: Chorus of Birds
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus with Priest
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus with Priest
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus with Priest
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus with Poet
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus with Iris
r.whitlock: The Third Messenger
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus with Rebellious Youth
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus with Cinesias
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus with the Informer
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus and Prometheus
r.whitlock: Pisthetaerus and Prometheus
r.whitlock: Heracles, Dubya and Poseidon
r.whitlock: Heracles with Spoon (Dubya and Poseidon)
r.whitlock: Dubya, Poseidon and Heracles
r.whitlock: Dubya
r.whitlock: Poseidon
r.whitlock: Heracles and Pisthetaerus
r.whitlock: Gather 'round
r.whitlock: Dance
r.whitlock: Dancing