rustinpc: Dinner at Chinese Restaurant in Bamako
rustinpc: Boats on the River Niger in Bamako
rustinpc: Boats on the River Niger in Bamako
rustinpc: Boats on the River Niger in Bamako
rustinpc: PB080116
rustinpc: Bridge Across the River in Bamako
rustinpc: Bridge Across the River in Bamako
rustinpc: PB080113
rustinpc: PB080112
rustinpc: Found the Puppy
rustinpc: Puppy Hiding On Roof By Sticking Head Out Drain
rustinpc: View From Rooftop of House in Bamako
rustinpc: View From Rooftop of House in Bamako
rustinpc: View From Rooftop of House in Bamako
rustinpc: View From Rooftop of House in Bamako
rustinpc: PB080103
rustinpc: PB080100
rustinpc: PB080099
rustinpc: Band at National Museum
rustinpc: National Museum in Bamako
rustinpc: National Museum in Bamako
rustinpc: Habib Koite at the National Museum
rustinpc: Grounds of the National Museum
rustinpc: Grounds of the National Museum
rustinpc: View of the River From the Hotel
rustinpc: View of the River From the Hotel
rustinpc: Smoldering Remains of the Trash Pile that was on Fire the
rustinpc: People Lounging By the Pool at the Hotel in Mali
rustinpc: View of the River From the Hotel
rustinpc: PB060065