ruiqing: Cheryl's boss (aka Dad)
ruiqing: Yes! She finally removed all her shoes from the house! (true story)
ruiqing: Not talking to me
ruiqing: My table with pink rose petals
ruiqing: Table candlelight
ruiqing: Nicely wrapped napkin
ruiqing: Reminded me that I was flower girl at his wedding..
ruiqing: Yaaaam Sengggggg...
ruiqing: More yaaaammmm senggggg
ruiqing: Wedding table layout
ruiqing: Reception counter
ruiqing: Making sure that we attend that correct wedding...
ruiqing: Announcements everywhere!
ruiqing: Ohai Cheryl!
ruiqing: Ohai Daniel!
ruiqing: Her white dress was stunning! (no is not Cheryl)
ruiqing: Corridor shot
ruiqing: Touching-up
ruiqing: Eye smile!
ruiqing: Singer who sat at our table
ruiqing: Best wedding favor ever!
ruiqing: Table photo (getting ready for the shot)
ruiqing: Getting into "photo" mode.
ruiqing: Hairrrrr
ruiqing: Also eye smile!
ruiqing: Jade green earrings!
ruiqing: Hair close up
ruiqing: Random pretty girl
ruiqing: Checking for ang pow? Kidding...
ruiqing: Gearing up for thank-yous and good-byes