carpingdiem: Pileated woodpecker vs. starling in the snow
carpingdiem: Northern flicker vs. starling in the snow
carpingdiem: Bluebirds enthusiastically eating mealworms
carpingdiem: Bluebirds enthusiastically eating mealworms
carpingdiem: Bluebirds enthusiastically eating mealworms
carpingdiem: Bluebirds enthusiastically eating mealworms
carpingdiem: Bluebirds enthusiastically eating mealworms
carpingdiem: Bluebirds enthusiastically eating mealworms
carpingdiem: Bluebirds enthusiastically eating mealworms
carpingdiem: Eastern bluebirds at the feeder
carpingdiem: Eastern bluebirds at the feeder
carpingdiem: Eastern bluebirds at the feeder
carpingdiem: Starling driving away eastern bluebirds from the feeder
carpingdiem: Eastern bluebirds at the feeder... and a starling at the end
carpingdiem: Eastern bluebirds at the feeder
carpingdiem: Eastern bluebirds at the feeder
carpingdiem: Eastern bluebirds at the feeder
carpingdiem: Eastern bluebird
carpingdiem: Bluebirds at the birdbath (Kaffeeklatsch)
carpingdiem: Male Northern flicker on suet feeder
carpingdiem: Male Northern flicker in snow
carpingdiem: Male purple finch
carpingdiem: Male bluebird
carpingdiem: A white throated sparrow (left) mixed in with the American goldfinches
carpingdiem: White throated sparrow in snow
carpingdiem: Male Northern cardinal in flight on a snowy day
carpingdiem: Male Northern cardinal in flight on a snowy day
carpingdiem: Male Northern cardinal in front, bluebird in back
carpingdiem: Blue jay in snow
carpingdiem: Blue jay in snow