rsouthj: Katydid
rsouthj: White Tailed Dragonfly Smith Woods Butterfly Garden, Smithville Park
rsouthj: Time for sunning
rsouthj: Sun time
rsouthj: Autumn Meadowhawk basking in the sun
rsouthj: Whitetail Dragonfly sunning in the yard - Mt Laurel, NJ
rsouthj: Gone! Caterpillar is down the hole and getting burried.
rsouthj: Ground Wasp arranging Caterpillar - Mt Laurel, NJ
rsouthj: Incredible Feat of Ground Wasp - Mt Laurel, NJ
rsouthj: Yellow Garden Spider (Argiope aurantia)
rsouthj: Common White Tail Dragonfly
rsouthj: Ebony Jewelwing - absolutely lovely in the sunshine
rsouthj: Green Cicadas mating