rsouthj: Gray Hairstreak
rsouthj: American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis)
rsouthj: Harris Checkerspot
rsouthj: White Admiral
rsouthj: Unidentified Moth - Sugar Hill, NH, USA
rsouthj: Common Ringlet Satyr
rsouthj: Horace Dustywing
rsouthj: Late December Treat on Amico Island, NJ
rsouthj: Panopoda carneicosta – Brown Panopoda Moth - Mt Laurel, NJ
rsouthj: Clouded Sulphur and visiting pollinator
rsouthj: Clouded Sulphur
rsouthj: Hummingbird clearwing moth in the Pentas - Mt Laurel, NJ
rsouthj: Eastern Tiger Swallowtail in the Lantana - Mt Laurel, NJ
rsouthj: Red-banded Hairstreak - NJ
rsouthj: Red-banded Hairstreak - NJ
rsouthj: Silver-spotted skipper - Mt Laurel, NJ
rsouthj: Spicebush Swallowtail - Boundary Creek, NJ
rsouthj: American Lady - Boundary Creek, NJ
rsouthj: Monarch - Boundary Creek, NJ
rsouthj: Eastern Comma in the fruit bowl - first butterfly of the season to visit the bowl.
rsouthj: Zabulon Skipper
rsouthj: American Lady - Palymra Cove Nectar Garden, NJ
rsouthj: Broad-winged Skipper - Palymra Cove Nectar Garden, NJ
rsouthj: Peck's Skipper with Ailanthus Webworm Moth (Atteva punctella) - Palymra Cove Nectar Garden, NJ
rsouthj: Azure visiting spearmint flowers - Mount Laurel Garden, NJ
rsouthj: Red Admiral
rsouthj: Spicebush Swallowtail - Boundary Creek, NJ
rsouthj: Azure, sp. Mount Laurel, NJ
rsouthj: Emerald Swallowtail - Niagara Falls Butterfly Conservatory Canada
rsouthj: Leopard Lacewing - Niagara Falls Butterfly Conservatory Canada