Roxycraft: #greensmoothie was actually green today since I left out the berries. #eliminationdiet
Roxycraft: First time riding the side of the cart.
Roxycraft: upload
Roxycraft: Post zoo swim!
Roxycraft: Last time I was here, Jack was Lucy's age and in the little kangaroo!
Roxycraft: Took the kids to the #SacramentoZoo today! Lucy's first time!! Another one off the #summerbucketlist
Roxycraft: I missed you nightshades. #eliminationdiet
Roxycraft: 19 days into my #eliminationdiet and going strong. Down 11.2lbs and sleeping good. Tummy troubles feeling much better. Gearing up to reintroduce some things I feel confident I'd be fine eggs...and corn! Tried potatoes and they were fine! #gr
Roxycraft: Haven't played in 7 months...was bored in 15 mins! Nothing left to do! #acnl
Roxycraft: #timehop 2 years ago! My babies!!!
Roxycraft: #3things tagged by @mrsmistiwithani 1. This monkey is wrecking the house one couch cushion at a time. 2. I just ate potatoes for the first time since I started my #eliminationdiet and I'm kinda anxious to see if I have a reaction! I don't want to have a
Roxycraft: Sometimes you spring for the fancier gate instead.
Roxycraft: #eliminationdiet pb&j...cept it's almond butter. So it's a ab&j, I guess. #imissbread
Roxycraft: Trapped
Roxycraft: Our morning routine #eliminationdiet #smoothie #mommydaughter
Roxycraft: The end of an era
Roxycraft: Mario Party 4 with my guys
Roxycraft: Glad we checked off #picnic from our #summerbucketlist It's so nice to explore new places near home! We loved #mckinleypark
Roxycraft: In the rose garden
Roxycraft: #eliminationdiet lunch Chicken salad with almonds, grapes, apples and mixed with almond butter on romaine
Roxycraft: Mama ❤️ Jack
Roxycraft: Picnic
Roxycraft: Swish
Roxycraft: #bestdadever
Roxycraft: Blowing out the candles
Roxycraft: Lucy's birthday cake that @timoldridge did an amazing job picking out!
Roxycraft: Baby Lucy on her birthday
Roxycraft: Happy Birthday baby!
Roxycraft: Lucy is a dinner thief #daddydaughter
Roxycraft: Snack :: cashews, coconut, banana chips #eliminationdiet Ps...I've lost 8lbs in 8 days! #holyshit