Rowly Emmett:
Happy boy
Rowly Emmett:
Sunny day
Rowly Emmett:
In the park with Eddie
Rowly Emmett:
Why on earth is Jango Fett driving a ute with a horse trailer? #bountyhunterweekends #jangoridesagain #slaveII #theequinestrikesback
Rowly Emmett:
So there I am thinking that economic markets are like fires; initially the markets/flames seem random, however patterns and rules emerge. You need fuel (commodities, products, bonds etc) oxygen (credit, cash, market liquidity, QE, equity of some kind) and
Rowly Emmett:
Are they working?
Rowly Emmett:
Grommet, what are you doing? #powerhouse #sydney
Rowly Emmett:
Muffin. Just back from a night of hunting. #killa #cat #iphone
Rowly Emmett:
Golden Orb _02
Rowly Emmett:
Golden Orb _01
Rowly Emmett:
Someone trying to tell me I'm highly strung?
Rowly Emmett:
Rowly Emmett:
Rowly Emmett:
My God, it's full of stars. . .
Rowly Emmett:
Sunset on the train
Rowly Emmett:
the sun is out! #dryingout #bigwet #puddles
Rowly Emmett:
Rowly Emmett:
It just gets better. @jellyfish
Rowly Emmett:
More food porn @jellyfish #sashimi
Rowly Emmett:
Food porn. @jellyfish
Rowly Emmett:
Thank you water! Provides 1 months worth of safe water for someone in need. Awesome idea #thankyouwater
Rowly Emmett:
Rowly Emmett:
Church bricks #bricks #biglens
Rowly Emmett:
Robbie Burns
Rowly Emmett:
Paella - bris market
Rowly Emmett:
Rowly Emmett:
Blue sky lighting
Rowly Emmett:
Sign at Boyd's Bay Garden Centre
Rowly Emmett:
Shadow Lounge but no @onthebass