Rowan Peter: Create a photograph that features a repeating pattern
Rowan Peter: Take a photo of someone holding a photograph of themselves - Me 1993 & 2012
Rowan Peter: Create a photograph that features a repeating pattern - Platform at train station
Rowan Peter: Make a photo that looks better in black and white than it did in colour - Fence and street light
Rowan Peter: Take a photograph that emphasizes the sky by placing the horizon very low or very high – Out the window
Rowan Peter: Take a photo of someone holding a photograph of themselves - Baby me & Current me
Rowan Peter: Take a photo of someone holding a photograph of themselves - Young Alex and even younger Alex
Rowan Peter: Take a photo that visually represents a sound - A suburban string quartet
Rowan Peter: An extreme close-up of an easily recognisable, common object – Telephone cord
Rowan Peter: Merge two pictures of contrasting pictures together - Looking west & looking east
Rowan Peter: Compose a photograph that includes a 'finished product' and at least one of its 'raw materials'. Cooked rice & Uncooked rice
Rowan Peter: Take a photo of something's shadow in a way that makes it difficult to identify the object - Unknown shadow against wall
Rowan Peter: Photograph something commonly considered ugly and make it heart-breakingly beautiful - Dirty stovetop
Rowan Peter: A photo where the movement of the camera creates an interesting blur effect - Coloured balls on grass
Rowan Peter: A photo of two related objects of drastically different sizes - Toy trucks
Rowan Peter: A photo that freezes or isolates the motion of an object - Basketball against the late afternoon sky
Rowan Peter: Make a creative photo silhouette by aiming the camera into a bright light - Early morning silhouette
Rowan Peter: A picture of your feet that shows the kind of day you're having – Odd socks
Rowan Peter: A picture that represents or expresses something loud - Loud drill
Rowan Peter: Something upside down that is never seen that way - Coffee cup
Rowan Peter: An image of the place where you lose things in your house - Under the shelves
Rowan Peter: Take a photo that features your favourite colour - Red
Rowan Peter: Take a picture of an instrument that measures something - Retractable tape measure
Rowan Peter: Draw or digitally design a circle. Fill in the circle with the colour or colours that reflect the way your body feels today - Black
Rowan Peter: Take a picture from the inside of something looking out - Glass
Rowan Peter: A creative photo of some sort of boundary - Boundary fence
Rowan Peter: Windows, gates & doors represent the liminal state between two realities - Door reality
Rowan Peter: A photo that emphasises the colour yellow - Nana'
Rowan Peter: Take a photo that includes geometric shapes - Egg carton
Rowan Peter: A photo of a bumper sticker - A serious lack of bumper stickers in my neighbourhood