roboppy: green sandwich must die
roboppy: green sandwich
roboppy: I got a haircut
roboppy: eat the giant pocky!
roboppy: Giant Pocky
roboppy: me + Giant Pocky
roboppy: Bert and penguin
roboppy: I likey the doughnut
roboppy: still attacking the cupcake
roboppy: me looking weird
roboppy: Filler Bunny
roboppy: Filler Bunny is da cutest
roboppy: doodles
roboppy: Want some frosting?
roboppy: Okay, I'll eat it.
roboppy: Beck is itchy
roboppy: I gots penguins
roboppy: rawr, cupcakes!
roboppy: get the damn straw in
roboppy: mmm....cookie
roboppy: dorm decorations
roboppy: Poofy in post-its
roboppy: wall of multicolored paper
roboppy: looking towards the door
roboppy: splodge
roboppy: mraah
roboppy: bluuhuh (melt)
roboppy: Monica
roboppy: trees + front of house