robmcrorie: 56105 at Lea Marston
robmcrorie: 37218 at Uttoxeter
robmcrorie: 56078 and others at Crewe
robmcrorie: 93001 at Crewe
robmcrorie: 66755 at Whitacre Junction
robmcrorie: 68001 at Lea Marston
robmcrorie: 66705 at Atherstone
robmcrorie: 70811 at Chirk
robmcrorie: 70812 and 66100 at Kingsbury
robmcrorie: 66711, 66137, 66791 and 66792 at Lea Marston
robmcrorie: 68034 away from Lea Marston
robmcrorie: 66755 away from Whitacre
robmcrorie: 66148 near Daw Mill
robmcrorie: Ready to start shunting at Dalston
robmcrorie: 88007 by Gretna Junction
robmcrorie: 66076 and 66129 passing Shustoke Pumping Station
robmcrorie: 37611 at Polesworth
robmcrorie: 66076 and 66129 at Whitacre Junction
robmcrorie: 37611 over Polesworth Viaduct
robmcrorie: 43251 and 43272 over the Tame at Lea Marston
robmcrorie: 66728 away from Whitacre Junction
robmcrorie: 66414 and 66420 away from Lea Marston
robmcrorie: Light at Whitacre
robmcrorie: 37508 and 37418 into Whitacre loop
robmcrorie: 66107 at Kingsbury Junction
robmcrorie: 66767 at Kingsbury Junction
robmcrorie: D6866 at Wakefield Kirkgate
robmcrorie: 43098 at Wakefield Kirkgate
robmcrorie: 45069 at Wakefield Motive Power Depot
robmcrorie: 57303 at Whitacre Junction