Fotolando: IMG_4476
Daniel Cadieux: Black-capped Chickadee on Hoar Frost
buidl-lemmy: Nordhessen im Nebel
MY NEW ACCOUNT IS: Noutyboy: Structures from Below
MY NEW ACCOUNT IS: Noutyboy: Under my Umbrella
Cycling Saint: DSC_4753-Edit copy
Imholzer: Lighthouse
Cycling Saint: Jenny Spinning.
Fotolando: IMG_9658
selmanphotos: Human Endeavor
Cycling Saint: Determined.
Fotolando: IMG_4115
Alex Szymanek: Lost at Sea
Fotolando: IMG_7675
Alex Szymanek: Washington Square
Laurarama: It's only an island if you look at it from the water
Alex Szymanek: (almost) spring
MY NEW ACCOUNT IS: Noutyboy: (Drop that) Bokeh Explosion
nickneykov: when a man loves a woman
iM@n: Do you know how to call these?
Imholzer: Flock of sheep on the horizon
ilyapetrusenko: Anya Smetana's shot
MY NEW ACCOUNT IS: Noutyboy: Waiting for the Morning Sun