♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: these boots are made for walkin' and that's just what they'll do, one of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you .
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: he is the most handsome prince
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: my sister, my cousin and i =)
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: my little workers
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: the mudd monster and his big buddy ghost buster
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: just keepin' it real
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: a walk in the woods
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: hear no evil speak no evil see no evil .
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: fathers day fishing
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: my little fisher (:
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: mojo watching his jungle gym be taken away
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: and the trees went doooown
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: talk to the paw... im sleepin' zZzZzzzz
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: mojo 0.7 second exposure
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: Mudd and Connor looking for the squirrel !
♡ ♫ rikilynpearl ♫ ♡: my beautiful Grandma and her beautiful flowers <3