IntrepidXJ: Flowing Potholes
IntrepidXJ: Wet Sandstone
IntrepidXJ: Dinosaur Tracks
IntrepidXJ: Megatrack Site
IntrepidXJ: Opposite
IntrepidXJ: Dinosaur Dance Floor
IntrepidXJ: Scale
IntrepidXJ: Dirt In The Toes
IntrepidXJ: Salt Valley
IntrepidXJ: Into The Cloud
IntrepidXJ: Following The Edge
IntrepidXJ: Yellow Stripes
IntrepidXJ: Alaska Stripes
IntrepidXJ: Below The Clouds
IntrepidXJ: Sego Road
IntrepidXJ: Pictographs & Petroglyphs
IntrepidXJ: Thompson Pictographs
IntrepidXJ: Blue Door