DJ Ksar: Honoree Doug, big pimping
DJ Ksar: South Bay Coach Jill, North Peninsula Coach Jason, and South Bay Coach Doug
DJ Ksar: preparing for the meeting
DJ Ksar: honoree captain, Jen
DJ Ksar: Tiffany Jones, Staff Manager going over last minute details
DJ Ksar: CIMG0744.JPG
DJ Ksar: the projector is ready
DJ Ksar: Right this way
DJ Ksar: did you pick up your t-shirts
DJ Ksar: Captain John and Coach Mary
DJ Ksar: Our Honorees
DJ Ksar: Honoree Doug, Captain Jen Catour, Honoree John
DJ Ksar: Honoree Peter Idiart
DJ Ksar: At Kickoff
DJ Ksar: Yes I am awake
DJ Ksar: Stretching before the run
DJ Ksar: Stretching before the run
DJ Ksar: Streching before the run
DJ Ksar: Terry doing a pre-run chat
DJ Ksar: Honoree Doug and Roger off to the water stop
DJ Ksar: Mentor Ashley and teammates (w/ sunglasses)
DJ Ksar: Mentor Ashley and teammates
DJ Ksar: Coach Terry giving a pep talk before the run
DJ Ksar: Whisman Park Trail
DJ Ksar: Vickie Lopez and James Staten guarding the precious bagels
DJ Ksar: Have you checked out
DJ Ksar: looking good after the run
DJ Ksar: Wahoo--I just finished my first run!
DJ Ksar: Honoree Captain Jen Catour finishing her run