rjdibella: Amish horse and buggy in Lancaster, PA
rjdibella: all aboard the Strasburg Railroad
rjdibella: white barns and houses in Lancaster
rjdibella: horses pull a mower in a field
rjdibella: Cherry Crest Adventure Park
rjdibella: dirt roads and fields
rjdibella: a beautiful fall day on the farm in Lancaster County
rjdibella: fields, farms and fall foliage
rjdibella: Cherry Crest Adventure Park
rjdibella: maze of maize
rjdibella: i forget the name of this house but the stone part is from 1700s
rjdibella: corn fields and farms
rjdibella: no cars and buggy parking? probably Amish
rjdibella: green fields