rittyrats: March is a Lion
rittyrats: Mr. Coffee
rittyrats: droplets
rittyrats: Peek-a-Boo (aka Puke-A-Boo)
rittyrats: my newest friend, Smokey
rittyrats: waterlogged
rittyrats: spring candy!
rittyrats: beauty of simplicity
rittyrats: duck, duck, goose
rittyrats: all this is folly to the world ~ ezra pound
rittyrats: ...I look up high to see only the light, And never look down to see my shadow ~ K. Gibran
rittyrats: stack of flavors
rittyrats: orange is my favorite
rittyrats: Dunlap Lake
rittyrats: Dunlap Lake
rittyrats: who in the world?!?
rittyrats: ablaze
rittyrats: perched