rin3y: In the photo pit for Edgefest! @jessiefryeee
rin3y: Daddy's home. #frys #electronics #beard
rin3y: Chirp.
rin3y: Florida Phil buttons
rin3y: Florida Phil buttons
rin3y: #fluff #kitteh
rin3y: Beeland demonstrates his skill as a master braider.
rin3y: Hmm, I might see the problem with this little camera. #pelco #fail
rin3y: Tonight, on the WB.
rin3y: Be more ART
rin3y: Captain Picard? #startrek #tng #picard
rin3y: Dat cake.
rin3y: "Couldn't get Michael Kors if you was fuckin' Michael Kors."
rin3y: Franklin here has been exercising his creative juices lately. He's really shitting outside the box. #badjoke #kitteh
rin3y: That's neat. Took about 5 minutes to get a sample application built and running on my Ouya. #ouya #android #coding
rin3y: @laura3990 selfie!!! #nofilter
rin3y: Judy! *meow*
rin3y: It is... It is green. #tinroof #tng #startrek
rin3y: Our do-over duck! #trivia
rin3y: Hello! #anole #lizard #wildlife
rin3y: Sensible.
rin3y: @laura3990
rin3y: ... with love and hate!
rin3y: 'Murrica.
rin3y: Coining the hashtag #instaslut
rin3y: Ask your doctor if Cialis is right for you.
rin3y: Friday lunch with @laura3990 and @jsracings2k
rin3y: Judy. #cat #shadow
rin3y: I wonder if I take too many pictures of pints of #guinness. Nah.
rin3y: That looks a little dark and stormy. And no rum, either.