Carla's Pictures: And the winners are...
Carla's Pictures: ladder ball
Carla's Pictures: ladder ball
Carla's Pictures: the party
Carla's Pictures: Wayne & Phyllis
Carla's Pictures: Dianna & Terry
Carla's Pictures: Kathy & Bob
Carla's Pictures: Jim & Judy
Carla's Pictures: Sherry & Bob
Carla's Pictures: Diana & Beth
Carla's Pictures: my parnter throwing the toss
Carla's Pictures: Dwayne & Elna
Carla's Pictures: Jr and Geri
Carla's Pictures: Brad really into the throw
Carla's Pictures: Good toss Rick
Carla's Pictures: 2nd place, Dwayne & Carla
Carla's Pictures: The winners, Kathy & Rick
Carla's Pictures: Relaxing after the competion and all the food
Carla's Pictures: Beth & Brad
Carla's Pictures: Beth & Brad's Carly