WoofBC: 1963 J waits for Gromit's jump
WoofBC: 1967 Gromit in full leap
WoofBC: 1969 Gromit leaps (behind)
WoofBC: 1970 Gromit's splash
WoofBC: 1972 S and Kizzy watch Gromit splash
WoofBC: 1983 Gromit jumps for ball
WoofBC: 1985 Soaking Wet and Ready For More
WoofBC: 1987 Meg throws for Gromit
WoofBC: 1988 Ball, Gromit, Meg
WoofBC: 1994 Kizzy protects Gromit from Pool
WoofBC: 1995 Gromit Leaps
WoofBC: 1997 Kizzy and Gromit at pool edge
WoofBC: 1998 Keep Your Eye on the Ball
WoofBC: 2014 Gromit takes off
WoofBC: 2018 Gromit and S in pool
WoofBC: 2020 Gromit Belly Flop
WoofBC: 2022 Just Throw the Ball Already
WoofBC: 2023 Please Throw the BALL