rejectamenta: View from studio at work
rejectamenta: View from other side of studio
rejectamenta: So easy to find favourite tracks now all the vinyl is tidy and A - Z!
rejectamenta: Inside the phone exchange
rejectamenta: Phone exchange detail
rejectamenta: My grandmother's marbles
rejectamenta: Is spring on its way?
rejectamenta: Beer, pizza and twiglets!
rejectamenta: Nice cup of tea and a sit down
rejectamenta: At last - loads of frog spawn
rejectamenta: Camelia finally in bloom
rejectamenta: One of my fave jobs. Moving homemade compost to the veg plots!
rejectamenta: Reflected in copper table
rejectamenta: Nicest vegan sushi in London
rejectamenta: Finally some spring flowers!
rejectamenta: Finally some spring flowers!
rejectamenta: Finally some spring flowers!
rejectamenta: Otto having a lie down
rejectamenta: Crazy otto
rejectamenta: Out for a sunny ride - achieved our 1000 mile target for a third of the year (a week late due to illness!)
rejectamenta: Great sky tonight
rejectamenta: Great light tonight
rejectamenta: Under the cherry
rejectamenta: Last patch of sun - having a lie down after a 49.5mile bike ride!
rejectamenta: Mmm, tasty vegan date rolls
rejectamenta: Great roots
rejectamenta: Rocket for tea