Tanis_em: Computer therapy. It's a thing.
Tanis_em: Hot stuff has a fever. #boo
Tanis_em: My dog is in here somewhere. He wants me to find him. Meanwhile the Mosquitos are finding me.
Tanis_em: Hey Mom. Is there anything on my face? Wanna kiss? #slingers
Tanis_em: I was laughing at my son's fashion statement until he pointed out mine wasn't any better. #applemeettree
Tanis_em: 16 years old and hitting the year end parties. This is her party face.
Tanis_em: Somewhere, some place leprechauns are dancing.
Tanis_em: Inter-species love affair.
Tanis_em: Blue Steel and the Magnum. As one does on the last day of high school.
Tanis_em: He is no Beyonce but he was my birthday present from Skjel right before he died. He keeps my weeds company.
Tanis_em: Watchdog watching.
Tanis_em: I should be grateful he left me a tiny patch of grass, right? #twitch #makeitstop
Tanis_em: Abbott and I met a moose on our walk today. Neither beast was impressed with the other. I was grateful no one charged the other.
Tanis_em: Um, mom? Help? #greenhousewoes
Tanis_em: 37 years old and I still make a wish when I blow on a dandelion poof.
Tanis_em: I changed my glasses. Waiting for the husband to notice.
Tanis_em: A new teenager low. I pulled out a carton of eggs from the fridge to find this. #annoyed
Tanis_em: I don't know why I bothered planting flowers. Mother Nature already bestowed me with SO MANY OF THEM. #dandelioncarpet
Tanis_em: Monkeying around.
Tanis_em: My backyard.
Tanis_em: Missing these two.
Tanis_em: Lilacs make me smile and think of old people.
Tanis_em: 150.5 pounds of pure stubborn love. And he isn't even 7 months old yet. My dog now outweighs me.
Tanis_em: The expression I make after trying to help edit the teens' essay assignments.
Tanis_em: Someone is going camping this weekend so she borrowed her grampa's rain gear. And facial expression.
Tanis_em: Portrait of sad puppy dog eyes. He longs to be allowed on the couch.
Tanis_em: I can't tell the zeppelin hangar from the Nanking cherry blossoms.
Tanis_em: Jackass whispering in the wilds of nowhere.
Tanis_em: Knox is weaving fairytales for Abbott's entertainment.
Tanis_em: Dude, your breath smells like dead chickens and unicorn farts.