Jim Ford art: in deep #wip #art #painting #color #texture
Jim Ford art: Sneak peek (detail) of "Reflections" - ready to be sealed and photographed #art #collage #mixed-media #painting #texture #detail #typographyinspired #Reflections
Jim Ford art: So, I'm supposed to paint this now... #wip #art #collage #painting #dyptic #typography-inspired #Reflections
Jim Ford art: Part of the weekend work that's coming together...
Jim Ford art: upload
Jim Ford art: upload
Jim Ford art: Venus detail
Jim Ford art: Venus detail
Jim Ford art: background collage for "Venus"
Jim Ford art: Mars detail
Jim Ford art: "Land Mime" photos by Helen Lysen.
Jim Ford art: "Land Mime" photos by Helen Lysen.
Jim Ford art: "Land Mime" just white
Jim Ford art: "Land Mime" 2nd color
Jim Ford art: And it don't stop.
Jim Ford art: Japandroids / Bass Drum Of Death
Jim Ford art: studio
Jim Ford art: Metallic Death collage detail
Jim Ford art: Layer 2
Jim Ford art: Layer 3
Jim Ford art: Layer 4-12 or whatever... (see previous 2)
Jim Ford art: IMG_20150622_150711
Jim Ford art: IMG_20150622_150537
Jim Ford art: Flat black latex enamel is the shit. Forget about 1-Shot.
Jim Ford art: learning xerox transfers