Richard Cody: ghost vision 1
Richard Cody: ghost vision 2
Richard Cody: ghost vision tree
Richard Cody: ghost vision four
Richard Cody: dark corners and light
Richard Cody: the sun
Richard Cody: unturned
Richard Cody: night lights
Richard Cody: dark is rising
Richard Cody: white walls fade
Richard Cody: in shadowed places
Richard Cody: the door opens slow as in a dream
Richard Cody: the house next door
Richard Cody: I dreamt of fire mountain
Richard Cody: the old country
Richard Cody: looking for clues
Richard Cody: spooky pooks
Richard Cody: shadows without objects
Richard Cody: away away
Richard Cody: fleeting glimpses of half formed trees
Richard Cody: into the light
Richard Cody: in the night, in the dark
Richard Cody: It waits
Richard Cody: they are not there
Richard Cody: secrets stirring
Richard Cody: Spotted Xenomorph egg sac
Richard Cody: There is a light
Richard Cody: passing through
Richard Cody: other times