randylane: Downtown in the early morning.
randylane: Downtown in the early morning
randylane: Travis setting up the picture
randylane: Warehouse
randylane: Lights?
randylane: Travis getting ready to take pictures!
randylane: Welding
randylane: By McNellie's
randylane: Sun's coming up
randylane: McNellie's 2
randylane: McNellie's
randylane: Ghost hook 2
randylane: Ghost hook
randylane: Downtown Tulsa
randylane: Downtown Tulsa
randylane: Downtown Tulsa
randylane: Train passing by
randylane: Downtown from McNellie's
randylane: Travis on the roof of McNellie's
randylane: Let's get a picture!
randylane: Glass bricks
randylane: Broken
randylane: What is this?
randylane: Razorwire
randylane: Greenery on the razorwire
randylane: Building
randylane: Hooper Bros.
randylane: Admiral and Iroquois
randylane: Parked car
randylane: Hear 2