randomix: 阿尔罕布拉宫全景 / Panorama of Alhambra
randomix: 来自喜马拉雅的木纹 / Wood patterns
randomix: 纳斯瑞德宫殿 / Nasrid Palace
randomix: 纳斯瑞德宫殿 / Nasrid Palace
randomix: 落日余晖下的宫殿 / After sunset
randomix: So I play my guitar
randomix: 迷宫一样的街道 / Maze
randomix: 照亮家门的灯 / Lights up
randomix: 格拉纳达夜色 / Night of Granada
randomix: 每一寸 / Each and every inch
randomix: 狮子中庭 / Court of the lions / Patio de los Leones
randomix: 狮子中庭 / Court of the lions / Patio de los Leones
randomix: 姐妹厅 / Hall of the Two Sisters
randomix: 姐妹厅 / Hall of the Two Sisters
randomix: 姐妹厅 / Hall of the Two Sisters
randomix: 姐妹厅 / Hall of the Two Sisters
randomix: 窗上的动物 / Animal on the window
randomix: 世界上最美的窗 / The most beautiful window in the world