randomix: 魔鬼城外魔鬼树 Dead tree outside the Ghost City
randomix: 日落 Sunset
randomix: 魔鬼城日落 Sunset@Ghost City
randomix: 金色堡垒 Golden Fortress
randomix: Sunset@Ghost City
randomix: 金色堡垒 Golden Fortress
randomix: 洗完澡的骆驼 A camel after his bath
randomix: Ran & Angie
randomix: 沙丘魔堡 DUNE
randomix: 魔鬼城 Ghost City
randomix: How tall am I
randomix: Am I on the Mars?
randomix: 魔鬼城外的磕头机 Petro-Pump outside the Ghost City
randomix: 磕头机 Petro-Pump
randomix: 鬼脸