randomix: 布尔津夜市的烧烤 BBQ@Burqin Night Market
randomix: 布尔津夜市的烧烤 BBQ@Burqin Night Market
randomix: 羊肉串 Lamb
randomix: 羊肉抓饭 Rice with Lamb
randomix: 布尔津夜市的烧烤 BBQ@Burqin Night Market
randomix: 著名的烤狗鱼 Famous BBQ Fish
randomix: 格瓦斯 Kbac Drink
randomix: 枣 Jujube (Red Dates)
randomix: 蟠桃 Flat peach
randomix: 伊宁的夜市 Yining Night Market
randomix: 野蘑菇拌面 Noodle with mushroom