randomix: 白玉寺的藏经楼 Library of the Palyul Temple
randomix: 释迦牟尼头像 Buddha Shakyamuni
randomix: 鎏金双鹿法轮 Golden wheel with double deer
randomix: 经幢 / Dhvaja
randomix: 面对着俄科(偶曲)河的檐角神兽 Facing the Eke River
randomix: 檐角的图样
randomix: 佛像 Buddha
randomix: 屋檐角的神兽 Creature at the edge
randomix: 经幡 Colorful sutra streamer
randomix: 经幡 Colorful sutra streamer
randomix: 佛像 Buddha
randomix: 白玉寺金顶一角 Golden top of the Palyul Temple
randomix: 阳光照耀下的经幡 Sutra streamer in sunshine
randomix: 阳光照耀下的经幡 Sutra streamer in sunshine
randomix: 朝阳下的白塔 White Tower
randomix: 朝阳下的藏经楼 Tripitaka/Library building
randomix: 白玉寺的僧舍 Lama's residence of Palyul temple
randomix: 白玉寺金顶 Top of the major part of Palyul temple
randomix: 金顶上的喇嘛 A lama at the Golden Top
randomix: 金顶上的喇嘛 A lama at the Golden Top
randomix: 白玉寺金顶全貌 Top of the major part of Palyul temple
randomix: 白玉寺一角 Part of the Palyul Temple
randomix: 美丽的佛学院一角 Stairs of beauty
randomix: 佛学院附校的学生 Young student of the Palyul Buddhist School
randomix: 佛学院附校的学生 Young student of the Palyul Buddhist School
randomix: 佛学院附校的学生 Young student of the Palyul Buddhist School
randomix: 佛学院图书馆的院门 Door to the yard of the Buddhist School library
randomix: 怒放的兰花 Blooming Orchid
randomix: 兰花 Orchid
randomix: 兰花 Orchid