randomix: 甘孜寺中的小男孩 Little boy in Garze Temple
randomix: 甘孜寺中的小女孩 Little girl in Garze Temple
randomix: 小女孩和妈妈 Mum & Daughter
randomix: 男孩 Smiley face
randomix: 女孩 Say Cheese!
randomix: 拿着宝丽莱的男孩 Boy with his Polaroid photo
randomix: 甘孜县城和远处的雪山 Downtown Garze and the snowy mountain in BG.
randomix: 拿着宝丽莱的女孩 Girl with her Polaroid photo
randomix: 甘孜县城 Downtown Garze
randomix: 早课的喇嘛 Lama in his early class
randomix: 喇嘛 Lama
randomix: 天与地 Heaven & Earth
randomix: 喇嘛 Lama
randomix: 喇嘛 Lama
randomix: 喇嘛 Lama
randomix: 喇嘛 Lama
randomix: 喇嘛 Lama
randomix: 郎扎寺墙上的壁画 Mural in Langzha temple
randomix: 新旧 Modern & Traditional
randomix: Poorfish@FOP