Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg:
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg:
Jackson Pollock if he had drunk de-caf....
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg:
Guess the art history
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg:
Guess what i was before mass editing
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg:
Guess the Film that inspired the editing...
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg:
GuesstheArtorFilmHistoryClueitsarthistoryandfilmhistorycombinedAndmaybeachemist....Pop Art
Rakel78 - Rakel Leah Mogg:
Guess the Art and Sci - Fi Film History ....Social Coma.