Rahbysahn: Eagerly Waiting for Boarding.
Rahbysahn: IMGP6825
Rahbysahn: Hopheads ready for the tour.
Rahbysahn: The Only Bud that was on the bus.
Rahbysahn: Tickets Please
Rahbysahn: IMGP6829
Rahbysahn: Chadd and Virg
Rahbysahn: Bus full lets get loaded
Rahbysahn: Peter gets on board
Rahbysahn: Ready to Go
Rahbysahn: Joe makes a grand entrance.
Rahbysahn: Master of Beerimonies Kevin
Rahbysahn: Don Barkley
Rahbysahn: Napa-Smith Winery
Rahbysahn: Napa-Smith Winery
Rahbysahn: Napa-Smith Winery
Rahbysahn: Napa-Smith Winery
Rahbysahn: Napa-Smith Bright Beer Tanks
Rahbysahn: Napa-Smith Fermenters
Rahbysahn: Someone have an accident?
Rahbysahn: Master Brewer Don Barkley
Rahbysahn: Master Brewer Don Barkley
Rahbysahn: Joe lookin for raffle swag
Rahbysahn: Lookin out
Rahbysahn: Tasting the brews
Rahbysahn: Amber Ale
Rahbysahn: IMGP6851
Rahbysahn: Outside the brewhouse
Rahbysahn: Tasting
Rahbysahn: Fermenters