rachiedoubt: I was Ramona Flowers for Halloween.
rachiedoubt: Pinkhead.
rachiedoubt: Smoosh!
rachiedoubt: Hello;
rachiedoubt: ********
rachiedoubt: 1234567
rachiedoubt: she moves in her own way
rachiedoubt: I am as vain as I allow.
rachiedoubt: This is the first day of my life-
rachiedoubt: "and I thought, there was no God,
rachiedoubt: My bedroom
rachiedoubt: I guess this is how I feel.
rachiedoubt: Fragile
rachiedoubt: This is mo(u)rning-
rachiedoubt: Myself
rachiedoubt: Happy new year!
rachiedoubt: Bloodshot
rachiedoubt: Hallelujah
rachiedoubt: How'd my vanity get such a mess?
rachiedoubt: a selfie for good measure.
rachiedoubt: i’ve got two faces
rachiedoubt: let the flames begin
rachiedoubt: the eye / what is seen