rabato: Crazy americans!
rabato: Not!
rabato: VCFool in the new B Terminal in Barcelona
rabato: Sillas
rabato: The place
rabato: Calle de la Corrida
rabato: Americans laughing at Spaniards
rabato: Members of microBCN
rabato: Mario
rabato: Bubbly rocking the radio
rabato: This is for our friend Random :)
rabato: YesRobot on Radio Asturias
rabato: Gameworld
rabato: Glomag & Entter
rabato: Rabato & Glomag on Radio Asturias
rabato: We played here
rabato: Bubbly begging for more sidra
rabato: Bubbly
rabato: Mario
rabato: Punks
rabato: Glomag & Entter
rabato: Celebrities
rabato: Tricky bastard
rabato: Sillas?
rabato: The Gang
rabato: Mario playing with gum
rabato: Entter
rabato: El Globo
rabato: I wanna learn how to fly... FAME!
rabato: Glomag