Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 30 catch . . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink #sketchb
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 27 2d from the Gorillaz modelling a coat. . . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipola
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 26 faces in the dark. . . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penan
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 25 tasty venom . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink #ske
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 24, you want scary you want dizzy I give you dizzy Donald. #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depress
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 23 ancient. So I drew Gandalf from Rankin and Bass. #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bi
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 22. Ghost #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink #sketchbook #
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 21 treasure . . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink #sket
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 20 tread . . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink #sketchb
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 19 sling... Shot . . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 18 misfit, from Jen. . . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penand
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 17 ornament . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink #sketch
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 16 wild. . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink #sk
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 15, legend. #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink #s
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 14, overgrown. #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 13, ash #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink #sketc
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober catch-up day 12 dragon . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #p
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 11 snow with white ink. Messy messy #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Day 10 pattern . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink #sketchb
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Swing for the fences with inktober day 9, swing . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipola
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
And now a moment with a horribly drawn skeleton. Word of the day was frail the feeling of the day is fail. #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 7 enchanted . . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penand
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 6 husky . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink #s
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 5 build. . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandink #
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Day 4, freeze... Mr freeze. . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something #depression #bipolar #monochrome #penandi
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 3, what better bait then the mind numbing glow of a small screen. . . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #wo
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober day 2 a rough sketch of mindless. Man I'm out of practice. . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy #work #something
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Inktober 1st! Prompt was ring. So what better than the one ring to kick things off. . . #coffeeup #abstract #brushpen #sketchy #sketchbook #fieldnotesbrand #fieldnotes #kuretake #kuretakezig #tolkien #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #sotd #arttherapy
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Reach out and touch something. #sotd
Paul Rj Muller "CaffiNation":
Guess what day it is? I always loved Friday the 13th, a little spookier than any other day. And 13 is my favorite number, I always figured if it was unlucky for everybody else, it has to be lucky for somebody, why not me. Enjoy the day! I know I will. . .