p_ree: cross + minaret.
p_ree: silohuette
p_ree: rundown wall held by a thin steel structure
p_ree: view from an interior run down courtyard.
p_ree: hmm.
p_ree: walking towards the bus.
p_ree: field
p_ree: Let there be light!
p_ree: play of light and shadow
p_ree: The white tower
p_ree: the state of historic Ramla.
p_ree: fenced off.
p_ree: marketplace
p_ree: Acquaduct in Ramla
p_ree: Ramla's Pantheon
p_ree: silent sky.
p_ree: within the inhabited ruins of Ramla.
p_ree: texture
p_ree: i met a friend
p_ree: flying a kite.
p_ree: exploring the ruins
p_ree: blown off roof - revealing the sky!
p_ree: Deteriorating layers of Ramla-Israel
p_ree: Capturing through the slit
p_ree: an artist's expression?
p_ree: capturing a past love