praline3001: foster kittens
praline3001: foster kittens
praline3001: foster kittens
praline3001: foster kittens
praline3001: foster kittens
praline3001: Curious
praline3001: Find me a family. please.
praline3001: What happens on Bourbon stays on Bourbon!
praline3001: pretty boy
praline3001: rome
praline3001: rome
praline3001: new kits 005
praline3001: yes, can i help you?
praline3001: kitssssssssssssss 015
praline3001: Why do I put up with my evil little feral? This.
praline3001: merl 026
praline3001: merl 006
praline3001: An embarrassment to all feral kind... Tom cats all over the world are shaking their head in disgust....
praline3001: Rome taking his favorite human out for a walk.... "I got to walk my human everyday. If I don't I can't stand being in the house with him!"
praline3001: Rome's bed. It was my junk basket on my computer desk. Rome redecorated it for me. So sweet of him!
praline3001: I love this little guy!!! He is so attached to us but so psycho. He sure does shine though and is beautiful.
praline3001: "I said don't touch my bird!!"
praline3001: human survival 101 ~ never touch the bird. ever.
praline3001: jealous boy not wanting to share his blanket, or his mama.... he is at the age where he can't decide if he wants to be a cat or a kitten. This is my kitten electric blanket... and naughty boy knows it!
praline3001: My beautifully naughty little kitty.
praline3001: I love my psycho cat! This is his, "I love you mommy. Thank you for waking me up!" look
praline3001: Beautiful psycho boy!
praline3001: djjj 017
praline3001: djjj 019
praline3001: Cat Burgler!